Domestic Abuse Beyond Trauma
Specialist Training for all therapists working with people who have experienced domestic abuse.
Suitable for therapists familiar with trauma focused work to build your skills in this specialist area.

Beyond Trauma
Domestic abuse effects 1 in 5 UK adults, this being a known underestimate.
In reality, it is so prevalent that if you are a therapist - you are working with people post-domestic abuse, whether or not they choose to disclose it.
For most, there is an average 6.5 years in abuse before they escape.
These years include 1,000s of abusive behaviours that shape the psychology of victims to stay, to endure, to fail to see reality, to blame themselves and to go back even after escape.
It has been referred to as a 'cult of 2', showing comparisons to how cults shape cult members' psychology.
Therapists benefit from understanding the journey into abuse, the psychological changes that occur, key skills at various stages of escape and recovery - and key risks faced by underskilled professionals.
Therapy syllabi rarely address this training need - and domestic abuse recovery is met with trauma-informed approaches only... that miss much of the important nuance needed to direct people out of cycles of future abuse. The therapy role can, and should, work beyond theories of trauma - to include theories of victim psychology.
We offer this workshop as an attempt to empower you in your therapist role.
What's Included
Get Out Empower Others Digital Programme
An experiential CPD programme supporting psychoeducation, personal resilience and professional skillset development. Designed to upgrade your understanding of DA recovery, from the perspective of survivors alongside theory-driven psychoeducational.
Designed to also address the recovery needs of therapists, who may have experienced DA in their own past)
6 weeks, 12 hours in total.
(Stand alone price - £85)

Full colour 68 page workbook / quick reference skills guide.
Printed, bound and mailed to your address.
Access to the full Get Out Get Love programme (GOGL)
The complete recovery programme, supporting your professional curiosity or your own recovery needs, if you have experienced DA in your past.
Long-term recovery support, extensive content and exercises.
12-months access.
Stand-alone price £79 / annum
Whole Day Live workshop (remote)
Details below
Stand-alone price £110
All for our introductory price of £110 plus VAT

Live workshop
Supporting Recovery Beyond Domestic Abuse
A full day's training (split over 2 half days), covering:
Introduction to the scale of the issue
Psychoeducation Model Overview - introducing a new approach
Identifying key client patterns - how they fit this new approach
Framework for understanding where therapists best fit
Practical skills for supporting recovery
Understanding boundaries, role clarity and when to refer
Therapist self-care - challenges when working with current / historic domestic abuse
Course delivered by...
Dr Craig Newman is a trained therapist, domestic abuse survivor and author.
His experience / skills include:
BPS Chartered Clinical Psychologist
BPS Chartered Coaching Psychologist
Qualified Clinical supervisor
Domestic Abuse recovery - international author
- Founder of the Get Out Get Love recovery programme / initiative
Social prescriber
“I shared it with a client and she got on really well with it. There was a real change from the very first time I saw her. I think it was actually doing GOGL. There was just like, this really big shift in her.”
“They can access it in their own home on their own and yet feel less alone.”
Head of victim services
“I think it offers another level of support, a different access, that would overcome some of the barriers that we were facing with the traditional recovery support offers."

Register your interest
Register now for our first cohort of 25 therapists, and our introductory £110 offer.
We will be in touch once we have reached our required numbers of pre-registrants.