Supervision for Researchers in all settings.
Enabling you to succeed in research design, delivery, analysis, interpretation and impactful dissemination.
Build a confidence and love for your research, no matter what setting you work in and what skillset you bring!

Our credibility
Prof Cordet Smart is our specialist research coach, and is 'top drawer' in terms of skillset, experience and impact.
BPS Chartered Psychologist
MSc Occupational Psychology
Social Psychology PHD
ILM 7 Executive Coach (in training)
Supervised MSc to PhD Research (15+ years)
Qualitative and Quantitative specialist
Published author
Supervised 150+ researchers across sectors
Dr Craig Newman provides supervision to researchers working with traumatic material, supporting researchers to avoid vicarious trauma (more info here).
Public Sector Funded : £120/session
Private funded students : £90 / session
Commercially funded (your employer) : £150 / session
(plus VAT)